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Twelve Days of Christmas

Christmas is the first day of a twelve-day celebration that concludes on the eve of Theophany (i.e. celebration of the Baptism of Christ, Jan 6/19).

Everybody in the western world is familiar with the song about the Twelve Days of Christmas; I recently learned that it was written in 16th century England when Roman Catholics were being persecuted for their faith.

Partridge in a pear tree...Christ
Two Turtle Doves...Old and New Testaments
Three French Hens...Faith, Hope and Love
Four Calling Birds...The Four Gospels
Five Golden Rings...The first Five Books of the Old Testament, the "Pentateuch"
Six Geese A-laying...The six days of creation
Seven Swans A-swimming...The seven gifts of the Holy Spirit
Eight Maids A-milking...The eight beatitudes
Nine Ladies Dancing...The nine Fruits of the Holy Spirit
Ten Lords A-leaping...The Ten Commandments
Eleven Pipers Piping...The eleven faithful Apostles
Twelve Drummers Drumming...The twelve points of doctrine in the Nicene Creed

1 comment:

ma o' maw said...

Soooooooooooooooooooo interesting!!! Thank you, kiddo! Next month!!! Lord willing. Can hardly wait to see you.