In an attempt to assist in the research efforts of my readers, I have decided to compile all the links that I have used in this blog onto a single page, which I will update from time to time.
As with all links in this blog, clicking on the links below will open up a new browser tab or window.
I have not included links to specific Bible verses that I have cited nor to audio recordings.
Updated 21 Feb 2009
("*" indicates those items added since last update)
35 Virgins of Armenia
40 Martyrs of Sebaste
7000 Persian Martyrs
Akepsimas of Persia
Alban of Britain
Alexander of Constantinople
Ambrose of Milan
Andrew the First-Called
Apollinaris of Laodicea
Arius of Alexandria
Athanasius of Alexandria
Barnabas of the Seventy
Bartholomew of the Twelve
Basil of Caesarea
Bede the Historian
Benedict Biscop
Fr. Jon Braun *
Catherine of Alexandria
John Chrysostom
Clement of Rome
Cyprian of Carthage
Cyril of Alexandria
Cyril and Methodius
Euodias of the Seventy
Eusebius of Caesarea
Eustace of Rome
Eutychius of Constantinople
Fr Peter Gillquist *
Gregory of Armenia
Gregory of Nazianzus
Gregory of Nyssa
Herman of Alaska
Hermas of the Seventy
Ignatius of Antioch
Patriarch Ignatius IV *
James the Brother of the Lord
James the son of Alphaeus
James the son of Zebedee
Patriarch Jeremias II of Constantinople
Johann Gutenberg
Metropolitan Jonah *
Justin Martyr
Ignatius of Antioch
Irenaeus of Lyons
John Chrysostom (Ecumenical Patriarch website)
John of Damascus
John the Evangelist
Jude of the Twelve
Justin of Caesarea
Juvenal of Alaska
Laurence of Rome
Leo I of Rome
Linus of the Seventy
Luke the Evangelist
Macedonius I of Constantinople
Mark the Evangelist
-Entry into the Temple
Matthew the Evangelist
Martyrs of China
John Maximovitch
Maximus the Confessor
Emperor Michael VIII Palaeologus
Nestorius of Constantinople
Nicanor of the Seventy
Nicholas, the Wonderworker
Onesimus of the Seventy
Parmenas of the Seventy
Apostle Paul
Perpetua and Felicity
Peter of the Twelve
Peter the Aleut
Tsar Peter the Great
Philemon of the Seventy
Philip of the Twelve
Metropolitan Philip *
Prochorus of the Seventy
Sabbas the Sanctified
Simon the Zealot
Protomartyr Stephen
Tarasios of Constantinople
St Thomas of the Twelve
Timon of the Seventy
Timothy of the Seventy
Vigilius of Rome
Vladimir I of Kiev
Fr Gordon Walker *
95 Theses (Luther)
Baptist Confession of Faith, 1689
Belgic Confession (Reformed)
Covenant Affirmations (ECC)
Dei Verbum (Roman Catholic)
Edict of Toleration
Edict of Milan
New Hampshire Baptist Confession, 1833
Nicene Creed
"Of Prayer" (Calvin)
The Smalcald Articles (Lutheran)
Statement of Beliefs (North American Baptist)
Thirty-Nine Articles (Anglican)
Westminster Confession (Anglican)
Ecumenical Councils
First Council of Nicaea
First Council of Constantinople
First Council of Ephesus
Council of Chalcedon
Second Council of Constantinople
Third Council of Constantinople
Second Council of Nicaea
The Judaizers
The Church
The Church is Visible and One
Julian Calendar
Oriental Orthodox
Ancestral vs. Original Sin: A False Dichotomy
Annulment (RCC)
Archpastoral Message of His Beatitude, Metropolitan Jonah for Sanctity of Life Sunday *
Banishment and Repentance of Adam and Every Christian
Beatification and Canonization (RCC)
Early Fathers on Infant Baptism
The Ever-Virginity of the Mother of God
The Filioque
The Filioque (Pelikan)
Filioque (RCC)
Glorification of Saints in the Orthodox Church
Holy Baptism
Holy Baptism: An Orthodox Christian Understanding
Honoring the Saints (LCMS)
Hypostatic Union
Immaculate Conception (Patriarch Bartholomew)
Immaculate Conception (RCC)
Ineffabilis Deus
Infant Baptism
Infant Baptism (LCMS)
Mary, Mediatrix of all Graces (RCC)
The Mother of God
Mysteries *
On the Intercession and Invocation of the Saints
On the Question of the Filioque
One Single Source
Original Sin According to St Paul
Original Sin in the Eastern Orthodox Confessions and Catechisms
Orthodox Baptism
The Orthodox Practice of Infant Baptism
The Orthodox Veneration of the Mother of God (Maximovitch)
An Orthodox View of the Virgin Mary
Our Lady (from "This is Life!" blog)
Papal Supremacy (OCIC) *
Papal Infallibility (RCC)
The Perpetual Virginity of Blessed Mary
Purgatory (RCC)
Real Presence (LCMS)
St. Augustine & Original Sin
Theosis: The True Purpose of Human Life *
The Theotokos
Theotokos (OrthodoxWiki)
There was Never a Bible in the Orthodox Church?
Universal Papal Jurisdiction (RCC)
Vatican says 'Baptisms' using 'Creator, Redeemer and Sanctifier' not Valid
What are the differences between Orthodoxy and Roman Catholicism?
What is a Saint?
What is the difference between the Orthodox and the Roman Catholic understandings of original sin?
Why is Mary Considered Ever-Virgin?
Apocrypha (LCMS)
The Apocryphal Books of the Catholic Bible (CRI)
The 'Brothers' of the Lord *
Canonicity (LCMS)
The Emergence of the New Testament Canon
Is The Bible True? *
Muratorian Canon
Of the Holy Scriptures (LCMS)
Sola Scriptura
What the Bible and Lutherans Teach (WELS)
Western Rite
Western Orthodoxy
Antiochian Western Rite
Western Orthodox (blog)
A Candle
An Aid to Prayer
American Christmas and Orthodox Nativity
Americans Leaving Churches in Droves
Candles in Orthodox Worship (pdf)
Christmas--To An Eastern Orthodox Christian
The Circus Church
Dealing with a Secularized Christmas
Eastern Orthodox Fasting (Wikipedia)
Fasting (St Spyridon Cathedral website)
The Fasting Rule of the Orthodox Church
Feeding Sheep or Amusing Goats?
The Function of Icons
The History of Pues
Holy Icons: Theology in Color
The Icon FAQ
Icons (Hopko)
In Spite of all the Church Entertainment...
Instructions Regarding Prostrations (pdf)
Is Venerating Icons Idolatry?
Just How Exactly Does One Perform a Sacrifice?
Kissing: An Act of Religious Devotion
Lenten Fasting
The Liturgical Effectiveness of Pews: A Call for Liturgical Renewal
Liturgical Prayer
Liturgical Prayer (OCA)
The Magi and the Infant Jesus
Mission and Worship - America and the Orthodox
"Most holy Theotokos, save us!" Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
No Graven Image: Icons and Their Proper Use
On Fasting
On Prayer to the Saints; or, "Everything which is God's became man's"
Orthodixie: Speaking in Tongues?
Orthodox Fasting
Orthodox Nativity and Western Christmas
Orthodox Worship: The Sacraments (Ware)
The Posture in Prayer
Reasons to Fast
The Sacraments
Speaking in Tongues
Speaking In Tongues: An Orthodox Perspective
The True Nature of Fasting (Kallistos Ware)
The Use of Incense in Church
The Veneration of the Virgin Mary in the Orthodox Church
Veneration of the Virgin Mary
What Do Icons Mean?
What Do You Do About Western Christmas?
Young adults aren't sticking with church
3,000 Rooms at Bethlehem's Inns
An Hour with Father Peter Gillquist (Our Life in Christ--audio) *
Fr Peter Gillquist's articles on *
Beatles songs as likely to explain Christianity as the Bible, says bishop
The Beginning of the End *
The Calendar of the Orthodox Church
Christians flee Iraqi city
Church goers celebrate Star Wars
First Visit to an Orthodox Church: Twelve Things I Wish I'd Known
For Seekers: What To Expect When You Visit
How to Avoid Christmas Depression
The Iconostasis (from "Glory to God For All Things" blog)
The Importance of the Magi (video)
Is “Halloween” Just Harmless Fun?
The Julian and Gregorian Calendars
The Marian Apparitions
A Matter of Perspective
Must-See Sermons
The Nativity Icon Explained
Orthodox Controversies?
The Orthodox Ecclesiastical Calendar
A Pastoral Word on Halloween: The Joyous Feast of Pumpkin
Reverse perspective
The Shack (from "Little Shavings" blog)
Who Is The New Israel?
Why Orthodox Men Love Church
Orthodoxy and Heterodoxy Lecture Series *
Lecture 1: Heterodoxy & Heresy (series introduction)
Lecture 2: Roman Catholicism
Lecture 3: Churches of the Classical Reformation (Lutherans, Calvinists, Reformed, Zwinglians, Anglicans, Episcopalians, Methodists, Wesleyans)
Lecture 4: Churches of the Radical Reformation (Anabaptists, Baptists, Brethren, Amish, Mennonites, Restorationists, Adventists)
Lecture 5: Modern Revivalism (Pentecostalism, Charismatics, Evangelicalism)
Lecture 6: Non-Christian Religions (Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Shinto, Sikhism, Wicca, Neo-paganism, Zoroastrianism, Modern Gnosticism, Animism)
Lecture 7: Non-Mainstream Christians (Swedenborgians, Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses, Unitarian Universalists, Christadelphians, Christian Science, Unification Church ("Moonies"); also includes series conclusions)
Basilica of St Mary
Holy Incarnation
Holy Transfiguration
Holy Trinity
St Anne
St. Athanasius
Saints Constantine and Elena
St Paul
St Petka
St Sabbas
St Spyridon
National Churches
Albania *
Bulgaria *
China *
Cyprus *
Czech Republic *
Finland *
Georgia *
Greece *
Japan *
Poland *
Romania *
Russia *
Serbia *
Sinai *
Calvary Nudist Baptist Church
Christ the King Lutheran Church
Family Christian Center
Grace Community Church
New Spring Church *
Smyrna Believers in Christ
Timeline of Church History
Eusebeius' Church History
Ecumenical Councils *
Achaemenid Empire, 550 B.C.
Fire of Rome, 64
Sassanid Empire, 226–650
Council of Ancyra, 315
Council of Neocaesaria, 315
Council of Elvira, 316 *
Council of Gangra, 340
Council of Sardica, 347
Council of Laodicea, 364
Council of Rome, 382
Synod of Hippo, 393
Council of Carthage, 397
Council of Carthage, 419
The Great Schism of 1054 (also here) *
Battle of Hastings, 1066
Council of Clermont, 1095
Crusades, 1095-1272
First Lateran Council, 1123 *
Sack of Constantinople, 1204
Spanish Inquisition, 1478-1834
Protestant Reformation, 1517
Church of England, 1534
Armenian Genocide
Divine Liturgy of St John Chrysostom
Liturgy of St Basil
Liturgy of St Gregory
Liturgy of St Tikhon
Service of Holy Baptism
Aleksy chooses 'pearl among churches'
Church Tagged With Anti-Arab Grafitti (Washington News) *
Late Patriarch finds final resting place
Reverend speaks on his conversion (North Texas Daily) *
Royal Eagle offers taste of Eastern Europe (Detroit News) *
USAToday interview with Met. Jonah *
Ancient Faith Radio
Orthodox Church locator
Cyrillic alphabet
The Feast of the Nativity
Glossary of Orthodox Terminology
Gordon-Conwell; Status of Global Mission
M-W definition of "prayer"
Roman Catholic
Non-Sacred Scripture
Ascension of Isaiah
Book of Enoch
Book of Jashar
Gospel of Nicodemus
Sacred Scripture
The Bible Source: Becoming
Gutenberg Bible
Thomas Nelson: Bibleman PowerSource Series
Wycliffe Bible
Other websites
Accounts of Saint Nicholas
Campus Crusade for Christ *
Fifth Marian Dogma (RCC)
Fourth Night *
Images of Iconostases
The Immaculate Heart of Mary (RCC)
The life and writings of St John Chrysostom
Iraqi Christians in Need
Looking East: Evangelicals, Roman Catholics (Eastern Rite), Lutherans, Presbyterians
Maps of War
The Martyrdom of Saint John Chrysostom
Matthew Gallatin
Mission and Evangelism Department (Antiochian Archdiocese) *
Orthodox Christmas Recipes
Orthodox England
Our Life in Christ
Saint Nicholas and the Origin of Santa Claus
St Nicholas Center
Writings of the Church Fathers
Against Eunomius (Gregory of Nyssa)
Against Heresies (Irenaeus of Lyons)
The Commontory of Vincent of Lerins
Demonstration of the Apostolic Preaching (Irenaeus of Lyons)
Dialogue with Trypho the Jew (Justin Martyr)
The Discourse to the Greeks (Justin Martyr)
Epistle of Barnabas
Exposition of the Orthodox Faith (John of Damascus)
First Epistle to the Corinthians (Clement of Rome)
Epistle to the Ephesians (Ignatius of Antioch)
Epistle to the Magnesians (Ignatius of Antioch)
Epistle to the Philadelphians (Ignatius of Antioch)
Epistle to the Philippians (Polycarp)
Epistle to Polycarp (Ignatius of Antioch)
Epistle to the Romans (Ignatius of Antioch)
Epistle to the Smyrnaeans (Ignatius of Antioch)
Epistle to the Trallians (Ignatius of Antioch)
First Apology (Justin Martyr)
History of the Church (Eusebius)
Homilies on First Corinthians (John Chrysostom)
Homilies on Second Corinthians (John Chrysostom)
On the Faith (Ambrose of Milan)
On the Holy Spirit (Basil of Caesarea)
On the Incarnation (Athanasius)
On the Mysteries (Ambrose of Milan)
On the Unity of the Church (Cyprian)
Second Apology (Justin Martyr)
Second Epistle of Clement (of Rome)
Second Epistle to Nestorius (Cyril of Alexandria)
The Shepherd (Hermas)
Third Epistle to Nestorius (Cyril of Alexandria)
Karloutsos and 9/11
This article is the fourth in a series on Fr Alex Karloutsos, based on many
hours’ worth of interviews I did with him in 2024. Here are the previous
2 days ago
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