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O God, come to my assistance!
O Lord, hasten to help me!
Shame and disgrace upon those who seek my life!
Let them turn back and be confounded who wish me evil!
Let them now turn in shame who jeer at me:
"Well done! Well done!"
But let all who search for
You be glad and rejoice in You,
And let those who love your salvation,
O God, always say: "The Lord be exalted!"
As for me, I am wretched and poor:
God shall be my help.
You are indeed my help and my salvation,
O Lord: tarry not!
(From the Compline Service; A Prayer for Remembrance, Psalm 69, LXX)

Note: Because the Septuagint and Protestant Bibles number the Psalms differently, the above psalm is number 70 in post-Reformation versions of the Old Testament

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