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For those of my readers who don't know, "Allah" is the Arabic word for God. It is--and has been since long before Islam even existed--used by Arab Christians all over the world to refer, not to the Mohammedan perversion of "god," but to the God of the Bible. It also happens to be the Malay word for God. What Malaysia therefore is doing is forbidding Christians, both those of Arabic and of Malaysian heritage, to pray to God in their own language. Wait a minute...that sounds like Islamoppression! Nah...Couldn't be.

From Christianity Today:

Agnes Monica is the Miley Cyrus of Southeast Asia. The Indonesian teen singer's face is ubiquitous. Her performances are packed out. But in Selangor, Malaysia, no one is allowed to play her song "Allah Peduli" ("God Cares"). Monica is a Christian, and Malaysian law bans non-Muslims from referring to God as Allah.

The ban on "God Cares" is one application of state laws widely opposed by the island nation's Christians and other non-Muslims. Few question whether Allah is the God of the Bible—to Malaysian Christians, Allah is simply the word for God.

Read the rest here.

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